Office Location:
131 Kercheval Avenue, Suite 305
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236
Map available here.
Ground level parking behind the Rite-Aid is available for 25 cents per hour. Parking in the structure is $2.00 for the first 2 hours. Enter the parking structure from Muir and the skywalk is on the 3rd level which takes you to the 3rd floor of my building
I work by appointment Monday through Friday and have evening hours available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Initial consultation: $175 for 45-50 minutes.
Individual session: $120 for 45-50 minutes.
Couples session: $250 for 90 minutes.
Legal work: $250 per hour including travel time.
I accept cash and checks only.
For information regarding insurance coverage please refer to Question #8 on the FAQ page.