
Although we are born alone and die alone, we are constantly in relationships between these two great events. That is the nature of our species. Our growth and development is done in relationships and we have found excellent teachers in friends, family, work associates, and mates. Sometimes, these relationships become a problem. What I do is more than marriage therapy or couples counseling. There are tools and techniques to help listening and speaking problems so that there can be a resolution to problems we encounter in all our relationships.

In all of our relationships, hearing and being heard lead to understanding, a good point from which to come to an agreement. People make sense when we really hear what they say and remember that their point of view might be different, but not necessarily wrong. These techniques can be used with siblings, parents, children, bosses, co-workers, neighbors, friends, even the merchant with whom you are having a disagreement.

If the problem is in the personal committed relationship, I am a licensed Imago therapist, and what I like best about this procedure for treating couples is that it reignites the passion and provides techniques that are do-able at home for the rest of your lives. It makes me, or another therapist, obsolete if the couple continues to use the techniques after they resolve the initial crisis that brought them to my door.