Professional organization websites:
- American Psychological Association,
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing,
- Imago Relationship Therapy,
- Michigan Psychological Association,
- National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression,
Other health websites:
Books that I highly recommend:
- It Will Never Happen to Me, by Claudia Black, Ph.D., MSW. A classic in the substance abuse field. One of the interesting sections is about the roles children assume in order to stabilize the family unit. These roles carry on into adult life and often help explain your behavior today despite not being raised in an alcoholic family.
- Co-Dependent No More, by Melodie Beattie. Another classic in the substance abuse field, and also helpful for understanding some of the pain you might feel in a difficult relationship.
- Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes, by William Bridges. Illustrates the process of change, whether desired or not. Understanding the process can be helpful in normalizing the feelings.
- The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. One of the journaling techniques that I believe is a helpful tool for people to get in touch with themselves and their thoughts and feelings.
- Dr. Thomas Gordon's Parent Effectiveness Training. There are 3 levels of these workbook/textbooks. Each is independent and is geared to a specific age group toddler, school age, adolescent.
- Happiness Now, by Robert Holden. A book that can assist you in changing the problematic thought patterns you may be employing.
- Focusing, by Eugene T. Gendlin, Ph.D. There is a focusing exercise in this book that is a terrific relaxation technique which can still all the chattering in your head.
- Getting the Love You Want, by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. I recommend this book to all the couples who come in for relationship therapy. This is the book that convinced me to go for the Imago training.
- Authentic Happiness, by Martin E. P. Seligman, Ph.D. A newer paradigm in psychology and one that I am very interested in.
- Intimate Partners, by Maggie Scharf and Intimate Strangers: Men and Women Together, by Lillian Rubin are two books that are easily read regarding the difficulties in relationships.
- Crazy Time: Surviving Divorce, by Abigail Trafford. Again, a book that I recommend to someone going through a divorce to see that there is a pattern to the transition out of a marriage.