What can I do to feel better?

March 30, 2009

With the way the economic markets have been of late and how the economy has been hurting many for a long time now, this is a question I get asked often. I know it may not be easy to focus on what is right in your life, when you are filled with anxiety. But that is the short answer. If you have ever seen the psychological black and white tests that show either a vase or the profiles of two people you'll know of an example of figure/ground perception.

A fast way to implement this psychological concept is to think of 5 things in your life that are good, first thing upon awakening. Example: 1. It's Monday and the kids are going to school in 2 hours. 2. I can hear and see. 3. This is my favorite time of the day because everything is so quiet and peaceful. This is my time. 4. My dog is always ready to take my walk with me. 5. The library book I ordered is ready to be picked up and I will pick it up as soon as I drop the kids off at school.

Tomorrow, awaken and think of 5 more things for which you are grateful. Some day you may have to rely on the old stand-bys: 1. I am grateful that I woke up. 2. I am grateful no one wet the bed last night. 3. I am grateful I am a woman in this age and in a country where there are rights. There are still places in this world where those rights don't exist. 4. I am thankful that my children are not starving today and that they do not have to walk across mine fields. 5. I am grateful that they discovered a cure for polio.

You get the idea. Think of a blessing and stop yourself from overthinking it into another thing to worry about.

This is a skill that takes practice... practice daily and see if you can make it a habit! Have a great day.
