The Problems of Daily Living

I tell patients you've taken the first step by coming in because you're aware that something is not working in your life. The next step is to set some goals. Once we identify clearly what you want, I can assist in helping you get there by taking small steps in the right direction or helping you see that what you want may be outside your sphere of control, and then identifying what is controllable that might bring you a favorable outcome.

It's not always getting what we want but wanting what we get that leads to happiness and satisfaction and higher self-esteem. Dealing with our life choices in the present and not regretting the past or worrying about the future, both times outside our control, is one sure way to realize that our life is our most creative effort. These are all esteem builders.

Whether you struggle getting or maintaining a healthy weight, a satisfying and nurturing relationship, or the myriad other life problems, I'm here to help.